Throughout BusinessOutside or ForumOutside experiences, attendees practice radical
self-inquiry relating to their vision, values, abilities, energy expenditure, and perception.

Below are some tools to get you started.

Forum Tools

The Emotion-Based Update Form is also intended to help structure each personal update given during Forum Meetings, but offers a different approach toward self-reflecting on the previous month.

The Forum Best Practices Document details everything you need to know in order to be a respectful, helpful, and integral part of any Executive Forum.

The Five Percent Update Form is intended to help structure each personal update given during the Forum Meeting experience. The PDF is both printable and fillable on a computer.

The Forum Goal-Setting Worksheet is an Excel File, structured to progress through yearly reflections and “rocks”.


The Personal Values Worksheet will walk you through each step necessary to develop your Personal Values and Personal Values Statement.

The Zone Of Genius Worksheet will shape your understanding of the “Unique Abilities” that you offer, encouraging deeper reflection on your desired activities.

The Clearing Model Framework allows for a neutral conversation intended to “clear issues” (resolve conflicts). This practice document aids in the creation and testing of your own Clearing Model conversations.

The Goal-Setting Workbook offers an extremely in-depth look into your accomplishments, emotions, and intentions; not just of the previous year, but of the next year to come.

The Relationship Transformation Worksheet enables users to determine what the ideal change in any relationship requires, and how to begin getting there.

Our Connection Questions help facilitators (and anyone seeking a deeper conversation) to ask better, more authentic, and more engaging questions, offering three different depths.

Discover Your Path Forward.

When operating in a people-first culture and a purposed position outside your comfort zone, leaders return to their fundamentals of humanity and renew their authenticity. So, let’s chat, and Make it Happen!